Hiring one of our Chicago Escorts is just like hiring any other professional for a service such as a mechanic or attorney. If this is your first time calling our service, or any service for that matter here are a few things to make it a little easier.
If you are on this site you are should already have an idea of what our escorts look like. If you haven’t visited our gallery page yet, you can see the escort photos by ** CLICKING HERE **
If you are looking for a certain personality type, interest let our operator guide you which one of our escorts would best fit your needs. Don’t be afraid to ask. Remember, Our Business is Your Pleasure.
If the escort you have chosen is unavailable, our operator will be able to provide you with available alternative escorts that meet your specifications.
Make sure to give a good address to our operator. If you are having a date at your home make sure that the porch light is on and the address is clearly visible from the street. If you are at a hotel you must make be checked in before booking your date.
Men from all ethnic backgrounds and professions use our service. Doctors, attorneys, business men even truck drivers and yes, even college professors. The truth being, anyone looking for short term companionship hire one of ladies.
Privacy is a top priority for both our patrons and our ladies. We are a discreet service, we do not sell or redistribute client information to anyone other than your date for any reason. For the safety of our Chicago escorts, please do not ask for personal information such as a cell number or email address. Rest assured you will be able to contact them for a date anytime through A-list escorts.
We only offer out-call service. Our ladies offer out-call services to private residences, apartments or hotels. We do not service truck stops or parking lots for the safety of our patrons and escorts.
A date with one of our Chicago escorts is much like a date with any other woman. Our escorts are professional in appearance and clean. Prepare for this date as you would with any blind date. Our escorts appreciate friendliness and cleanliness. If this is your first time using A-list escorts or any Chicago Escort Service please let your date know. She will be sure to put you at ease.
Since we service the entire Chicagoland area, sometimes traffic or other complications may delay your date's arrival. Many times we are aware of the situation and will keep you informed. In the case that you don't hear from our operator or your date and she is more than half an hour late, call our operator to check on her status.
Remember, "Our Business is Your Pleasure!" Relax and have fun. Every date is a unique experience. If you have a special request, be sure to let our operator know. We strive to meet the needs of all of our clients. If you have additional questions about our service or our Chicago escorts don't be afraid to ask!